A review of Oakley School Of Motoring by Anonymous written on Wednesday 13th of January 2016
I was learning with Mike for around 7 months. I started out enjoying driving, I think it was because of the whole concept of driving not because of his teaching. On your first lesson he sits you down in the car has a quick 5 min talk with you and off you go, you have to drive after 5 mins of looking at the gears and having a confusing explanation about the clutch. I had to drive all the way from school to home. I was extremely nervous and Mike took it upon himself to have a pop at me because I made a mistake at a junction. After that, I learnt the manoeuvres within 5 lessons which I was happy about. He would book a lesson with me then either not turn up, turn up 3 hours early or 3 hours late or rarely turn up on the time agreed. Towards the end of my experience I saw a ambulance in my interior mirror that Mike failed to notice, I went to pull over, Mike thought I was parking on double yellows. Mike then pushed my steering wheel away from the yellows and told me off for trying to park on them, next thing I know im nearly swerving into the oncoming ambulance. After this I changed driving instructors because I didn't want to go back into a car with him. Now with a new instructor I've learnt that Mike doesn't explain things very well and teaches manoeuvres in a complicated manor. Thank you and goodbye
p.s. His lessons are expensive..
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Map showing Oakley School Of Motoring on Ruffs Furze